Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy New Year

Hope the holiday season was enjoyable for everyone and that you all have a Happy New Year.

A bit about myself...I am a single woman who lives in bayou country in the US and my job requires that I travel a great deal. Mostly in the southwest. I started my new year's resolutions after Thanksgiving this year, so I'd have a head start. And I'll confess this blog is a way to hold me accountable to keep them.

My new year's resolutions:

1. Lose weight--Joined Weight Watchers the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Horribly embarrassed, shocked and horrified about the amount of weight I actually have to lose. Lose it I must. I'm on week 6 -7.4 pounds (had a bad week 5 and gained 3 pounds)

2. Treat myself better by indulging in small luxuries. Yes the Sally Hansen nail polish is cheaper, but damnitall...I like the OPI polishes better.

3. Don't spend all of my time working. Take time to pay attention to my surroundings and appreciate the scenery.

4. Take time out during the day to be creative...paint, draw, write.

5. Spend less time in front of the idiot box...fill in that time with #s 3 and 4.


At 7:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not sure where I'm writing too!! Alls well here. Jonathan is going to J.Sarg Community College. Lauren is in Richmond since July and working at VCU! Also I'm going to be a grandma!!!! August 6 due date!! So much for returning to school this semester. But it's a BABY! Can't be mad/disapointed with a little one. I won a grant!! And I'm working plus back in school (VCU/DOE). I'm being trained as a trainer for the Autistic Spectrum Disorder Trainer for the year!! FREE!!
I saw Kate! had lunch and a nice visit! Same old Kate! I'll send her email when I reach you on real email. Hope all is well. I didn't know you where out of work! Where are you living?? Miss Ya,


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