Out of This World Wine

I went shopping today and stopped by Spec's downtown store. While wandering the aisles I saw this bottle of Red Flyer (2003 red table wine) I just had to have, I think it pairs nicely with my alien head--which is the real reason I bought it. It was a little over $6 and I wasn't expecting much out of the wine but I was very pleasantly surprised. I had a glass by it self and then another with dinner (cold pizza with everything). It's not this outstanding amazing wine, it's just a nice simple pleasant drink to go along with dinner. I liked it so much, I just may go back and get another bottle or 2. The wine brand is one of several put out by The Wimbleton Wine Company and Hahn Estates Winery of Napa, California. I've also had their Cycles Gladiator Wines.
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