Sunday, January 15, 2006

What I've Learned So Far...

The Zicam is kicking in, feeling better.

8 weeks on Weight Watchers' program and what have I learned about myself, what changes have I made?

1. I am a stress eater and I use food as a way to physically stuff my emotions back into myself. (alright, I already knew that, but I am formally acknowledging it...what you don't acknowledge you can't change).

When I feel stress, I take the dog for a long walk or get on the exercise bike instead of stuffing food into my mouth.

2. I listen too closely to other people's(family's) opinions on how I should live my life. I try to please others(family) at the expense of pleasing myself which causes stress and stress eating.

I have to live my own life and do so in a manner that is agreeable to me and me only. I have the friends I have because these are people I like and enjoy their company. I do the activities that I do because I enjoy them.

3. I treat myself with food because I feel guilty spending money on things which seem frivolous or unessential. Food is a necessity and I don't feel guilty buying it.

It is alright to pamper myself as long as the luxuries don't interfere with my daily necessities. I treat myself with the luxuries that I enjoy because I can afford them and they hurt no one.

4. I drink soda like water. I now drink water instead of juice, coffee or soda. After I've had all of my water for the day, then I can drink something else. I find that I am satisfied with less soda and once or twice a week is plenty.

5. Thirst will sometimes mask itself as hunger. I will drink a glass of water and wait a few minutes, if I am still hungry I will have a small snack.

6. I eat too much bread and cheese. I have learned to cook and experiment with spices.

7. If I have too many sweets or too much bread, I crave meat. I have found that I like coffee and tea without sugar and I like them strong. The sweetness of an orange or grapes or some other ripe fruit is sweet enough.

8. If I eat breakfast, I'm not starving at lunch. If I eat lunch, I'm still going to be hungry around 3:30 or 4PM and I should have a small sensible snack then or I will eat too much at dinner. I shouldn't eat after 7:30PM.

9. I have given up processed foods for fresh or frozen foods. I no longer have heartburn and I have much more energy.

10. I have learned portion sizes and now find the smaller servings that I am eating are quite filling. I no longer watch television or read while I am eating. I focus instead on the meal or if I am dining with someone, focus on the conversation.

11. I have finally reached a point where I am ready to focus on being a healthy weight as opposed to a certain size. I've had to learn what a healthy weight range is for someone of my height and build.

12. I've had to accept the fact that yes, I really do have big bones and the heavier end of my ideal weight range is where I should be. No matter what size I am, my waist will always be small in proportion to the rest of my body and my bottom will always be one size larger than my top. Even if I were stripped down to nothing but my skeleton, I will never be a size 0, 2, or 4. There is nothing sylph-like about me. I am a physically strong woman with presence and this is not a bad thing.


At 8:49 AM , Blogger Urban Chick said...

congrats on the weight loss so far!

i did WW this time last year and lost 28lbs - it was a hard slog so keep the faith!

At 9:23 PM , Blogger Invisigoth510 said...

Thanks! I've got a loooong way to go, but I'm ready to get rid of it this time.


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