Friday, April 28, 2006

More work

weigh in, week 23: -2 pounds
total weight lost: -18.6 pound

Really busy at work, not much to report this week. Down time coming soon.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Rain, Rain Go Away!

weigh in, week 22: -1.4 pounds
total weight lost: -16.6 pounds

UGH! Got soaked going to work today. It was lightly raining with some distant thunder and lightening flashes this morning, then a bolt of lightening struck, all the street lights and traffic lights went out and it started pouring down rain. I got soaked running from the car to the office. Damn umbrella is never where I can get to it when I need it, not that it would have helped...I would have been soaked in the time it would have taken me to open it. On the plus side, storms that start that fast move out fast.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Week 21

weigh in, week 21: -1.6 pounds
total weight lost: -15.2 pounds

The Compass Rose by Gail Dayton
Description of book from the back cover.
"The legends of the Godstruck were just that-legends.
Until, in an attempt to defend her people, captain Kallista Varyl called on the One for aid and was granted abilities such as no one had seen in centuries.
Now Kallista has been charged with a new destiny as one of the most powerful women in the land-but her power is useless if it cannot be controlled.
Mastering her "Godstruck" abilities is the first step. The next, learning that she cannot unlock the secrets of the Compass Rose and defeat her nation's enemy alone. And finally she must stop a demon-possessed king...

The Compass Rose: Fourfold magic barely understood or contained...."

I really enjoyed this book. My work schedule didn't allow me to read it as fast as I usually read, but I think that was a good thing in this case. It allowed me the time to really savor the story.

I enjoyed the contrast of the two rival societies. One a matriarchal society where men are moving towards gender equality, magic is practiced and magic users are nurtured, and group marriage is practiced. The other is a patriarchal society with a rigid caste system, women are casteless, and magic users are killed or maimed and used to hunt down other magic users.

The Compass Rose is the first book in a trilogy. The second book is The Barbed Rose, available as of March 2006.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Bad Week!

weigh in, week 20: +6 pounds
total weight lost: -13.6 pounds

I don't know what was wrong with me this week. I just wanted to eat everything in site and I did.