Monday, May 29, 2006

Rainy Memorial Day.

weigh in, week 27: +2.2 pounds
total weight lost: -12.6 pounds

Thunder, lightening and rain, rain, rain. The dog is cowering in his corner of the bedroom. I don't know what he hates more...the thunder or the thought of getting wet.

Well, I need to get involved with something more structured in the way of exercise. Doing it on my own just isn't cutting it. I looked at the rates for some of the bigger gyms in the area, but they don't have gyms in the places I go when I go out of town for work. The YMCA does, so I went to look at the one up the street to see what they have to offer and I was really impressed. There are 3 Y's in the area near my home, so this week I will check out the other 2 and make my decision by the 1st as to which one to join.

My brother and his family came over for a cook out on Saturday. It turned into a belated birthday celebration. The kids all made cards for me and Little Brother gave me a card with a Barnes and Noble gift card in it. We had a really nice visit and exhausted the kids.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Greetings From Decatur, Alabama!

  • weigh in, week 26: +3.8 pounds
  • total weight lost: -14.8 pounds

On another business trip, which means a different meeting place with a different scale. I'm not discouraged this time, because that mysterious 3.8 pounds will probably disappear when I get back home.

Not much to see here, a very quiet little town.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Happy Birthday To Me...

weigh in, week 25: -5 pounds
total weight lost: -18.6 pounds

OK, so maybe the different location and scale last week were off from the usual one I go to.

Today is my birthday and I'm giddy as a kindergartener. I got good news from work, one the senior personnel people said she's been hearing a lot of really good things about me at work and passing them on to my managers. She seems to think I will get a pay raise at my review in August. My aunt quit her job to go into business for herself and we went out to dinner for a double celebration--my birthday and her new venture. We went to an Indian restaurant, I had the Chicken Madras, very good and very rich.

Been reading like crazy on my down time. Finished The Good German, The Da Vinci Code, and books 1-4 of The Southern Vampire series (Dead Until Dark, Living Dead in Dallas, Club Dead, and Dead to the World). I'm almost finished with the 5th book: Dead as a Doornail. I'll have to check my shelves or my books to read list for something different.

Tomorrow I have to take Cosmo to the vet for his annual check up and vaccinations. I'll drop him off and run some errands. Then I need to make a list of things I need to do during the summer when I'm not working. I think I will be able to keep very busy this year.

Saturday, May 06, 2006


weigh in, week 24: +5 pounds
total weight lost: -13.6 pound

OK, now wait a minute! I know I didn't eat anything I wasn't supposed to, I didn't over indulge, I behaved myself!
Working in a different area this week and went to a Weight Watchers meeting where I was working. The group leader said the scales between different meeting places could be off anywhere between 3-5 pounds and I should show an equal loss to the gain when I go back to my regular meeting place. Yeah....sounds like a crock to me, too.

Hey! I just realized I didn't do the monthly measurements. No change there BTW.