I've been a regular visitor to
Vegan Lunchbox. This is a great site. Jennifershmoo has been documenting her son's lunches and rating them on what he liked. Great ideas for adult or kid lunches. The food is attractively displayed, there are links to recipes or info on where to find the recipes used, product recommendations and instructions for special handling that might not be on a product's label. (I had to stop reading the comments at one point, I was amazed at the debates and insults that some people would have over a kid's lunch--it raised my blood pressure, I can only imagine how Jennifershmoo felt. It got so bad Ms Shmoo had to limit comments to bloggers.)
School's out now, she says she'll post a couple of picnic lunches she has planned for the summer, but she'll be spending most of her time caring for her active little boy and working on her cookbook, which she will announce on the blog when it is available. She's planning on homeschooling next year, so there will be no more Vegan Lunchbox. Head over to her site and check out all the great lunches she sent to school with her son. She also has 2 other sites
Shmooed Food, which has some recipes of foods she prepared for her family and
Shmoo Blog. I wish her the best of luck on her cookbook and plan on getting one when it is available.
No, I'm not vegan, I'm not even a vegetarian. Just an omni whose been cutting way, way back on meat and looking for new and creative ways to eat my vegetables. I have tried many of the dishes on the site and found them to be delicious. Unfortunately, I discovered I have problem with soy yogurt--I start mucusing up like someone with lactose intolerance and have problems breathing--but I have no problems with other soy products--so it may be the way the soy yogurt is processed, I'm not sure, but I'll have to investigate and see why they are different or if it was something about the brand that I used.